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西塔藍/Ai Saito

1997 年生まれ。小学校を卒業後、百姓になるために福井県に単身移住。以降3年間を萌叡生活塾で過ごす。18才のときにオフグリッドでひとり暮らしをし、その時の生活を綴った”はじまりの青”が第二回


​デンマークのMusik og Teaterhøjskolenを経て、現在は、ポルトガルのサーカス学校に通いながら夢であるサーカスアーティスト+自給自足の生活にむけて邁進している。

スペシャリティはhand balance。


Was born in Japan in 1997 and currently studies contemporary circus in Portugal. She began circus at Musik og Teaterhøjskolen in January 2020.

After graduating from elementary school, she decided to become a farmer as it had been her dream since she was a child.  She moved to the countryside without her family and started living with 5 other adults who lived self sufficiently.

When she reached the age of 18, she then began living COMPLETELY off-grid by herself. In 2018, She got the third prize in a Japanese art competition writing about that story "The sky of mine".

Now, she finds her passion and love in circus especially hand balancing; she wants to combine circus with self-sufficient life in the near future.



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